We have come across the word "imbalance" in many ways in our life like hormonal imbalance, electrolyte imbalance, work-life imbalance, etc. But what exactly trending word called "muscle imbalance" means? Muscle is a contractile tissue. They are the body movers. The function of the muscle is to contract and relax, physiologically actin and myosin bonds will form when the muscle contracts and breaks while it relaxes, etc., it's a complicated process so we are not going into details of its physiology.
Let's focus on what we feel when muscle contracts or how to understand when muscles are not relaxing. As we all know when muscles are in a contracted state, we feel increased tension or pressure in it, which needs to reduce when it relaxes. If this relaxation process is not happening properly, it means our muscles are getting affected leading to muscle imbalance.
Why muscles are unable to relax?
Being in one position for hours together or repeatedly doing one action in the same range, means the joint is not moving in its full range of motion or all planes, against its natural function. If this goes on, few muscle fibers get stuck in each other or semi contracted state, which in turn reduces its blood flow, nutrients coming in, and washing out metabolic waste like Lactic Acid. These waste products irritate nerve endings causing discomfort.
What is a muscle imbalance?
In the initial phase there is slight discomfort and stiffness in the muscle which comes on and off depending on its use, as this process goes on it affects more and more muscle fires, form muscle knots, or trigger points causing stiffness, pain, and cycle going on. As the body works in chain patterns and if there is a single shorten or tight muscle which can create tightness in muscle above and below as well as weakness in an opposite group of muscles leading to severe muscle imbalance in the body or vice versa weakness in particular muscle leads to tightness in opposite muscles due to inability of a muscle to complete its range.
What are other factors affecting muscle health?
Healthy diet sources containing Vit D, Vit, B12, calcium are important for muscle health. Stress or overthinking may continuously maintain tension in muscles. Dehydration leads to insufficient minerals which help muscles to relax. Inadequate sleep will interfere with the muscle healing process leading to stiffness and imbalance.
Your physiotherapist will analyze affected muscle patterns and correct the imbalance with appropriate relaxation techniques, strengthening exercises, or modalities. Importantly understanding your tensed or/and weak muscles and treating them on time to avoid chronic muscle aches is a must.
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